Keying Wu, Developer in Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany
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Keying Wu

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany
Toptal Member Since
October 27, 2022

Keying是一位经验丰富的开发者和领导者,拥有6年的经验. 在软件开发和管理的各个阶段都有实践经验, she is a lifelong learner, a completionist, and a problem solver. Keying's expertise includes back-end services with Java, C#.NET, Python, REST, databases with Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Redis SQL, front end with Angular, and cloud technologies such as AWS.


Helaba Invest
Angular、c#、Azure Functions、Microsoft Dynamics 365、Python、FastAPI...
Yara International - Expert Functions (IT)
Angular, C#.NET, Mapbox, NestJS, PostgreSQL, Node.js, React, Microservices...
C#.. NET、Angular、TypeScript、Oracle SQL、PL/SQL、Jenkins、IIS、c++、Python...




Preferred Environment

Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), C#.NET, Python, TypeScript, Full-stack, Java, IntelliJ IDEA

The most amazing...

...我开发了一个衍生产品发行平台, 每天发布2亿件产品,执行100多万个工作流操作.

Work Experience

Freelance Full-stack Developer

2023 - 2024
Helaba Invest
  • Leveraged Power Automate to streamline sales processes in CRM, enabling automatic data entry and updates. 减少了销售团队的手工工作量,从而提高了效率.
  • Developed a revolutionary solution leveraging Azure OpenAI Service, incorporating a chatbot with bulk processing capabilities. 该解决方案可以自动从银行的大量法律文件中提取关键信息.
  • 量身定制的Microsoft Dynamics 365,将其与Azure功能插件集成. 这种定制对于将CRM的功能精确地与受人尊敬的投资机构的独特而复杂的需求相匹配至关重要.
  • 重新设计CRM的销售机会模块,确保销售团队拥有精确、高效的工具. The account entity was enhanced to support KYT and KYC compliance, 保证严格的客户验证和交易监督.
  • Developed and maintained multiple Jenkins pipelines, 优化Microsoft Dynamics 365和Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)解决方案的持续集成和持续部署(CI/CD)过程.
  • 使用Angular构建了一个全面的资产管理服务(AMS)门户, Python, Docker, and an Oracle database. 它是一个关键的数据目录,大大提高了数据检索的效率和准确性.
Technologies: Angular、c#、Azure Functions、Microsoft Dynamics 365、Python、FastAPI, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, PyCharm, Docker, ASP.NET, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Dynamics CRM 365, Microsoft Power Apps, Microsoft Power BI, Jenkins, Microsoft Power Automate, Azure, Presentation Foundation, ChatGPT, Azure OpenAI Service, Azure AI Search, OpenAI, Retrieval-augmented Generation (RAG)

Freelance Full-stack Developer

2023 - 2023
Yara International - Expert Functions (IT)
  • 使用Angular领导土壤健康评分功能的设计和实现, 为用户提供一个反应灵敏的互动界面,以评估和改善土壤质量. Worked on advanced feature development with Angular.
  • Implemented an intuitive trend chart functionality using Chart.js integrated with Angular, 使用户能够可视化历史土壤数据,并无缝地识别模式. Worked on data visualization with Chart.js and Angular.
  • Leveraged C# to develop robust back-end services, 促进土壤数据的高效处理和检索,并确保与前端的无缝交互. Worked on the back-end development in C#.
Technologies: Angular, C#.NET, Mapbox, NestJS, PostgreSQL, Node.. js, React,微服务,Kubernetes,微服务架构,NPM,数据库

Lead Software Engineer

2021 - 2022
  • Led the project team to develop an investment platform,, for structured products using Angular, C#.NET, and Java.
  • 通过集成Jenkins CI/CD管道实现新特性的自动化发布测试, 导致在回归测试的执行时间内减少50%.
  • 迁移了旧的UI,并使用Angular、PrimeNG和WPF重写了发行平台的UI部分. 重新实现了一个前端框架,并维护了一个可重用组件集.
Technologies: C#.. NET、Angular、TypeScript、Oracle SQL、PL/SQL、Jenkins、IIS、c++、Python, WCF Web Services, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), CSS, Web Development, Software Design, JavaScript, Back-end, HTML, SQL, Git, Full-stack, REST APIs, Automation, Test Automation, Troubleshooting, Root Cause Analysis, .. NET, CI/CD管道,XAML, PostgreSQL,架构,API开发,API集成, .NET 4, ASP.NET Core MVC, Databases, Docker, .. NET Core, Java, Apache Tomcat, Java EE, c#, SQLAlchemy, NPM, Oracle, ASP.NET

Senior Software Engineer

2019 - 2021
  • 使用Java和c#开发结构化产品发行平台 .NET, Oracle database, and Angular, which issued 200 million derivative products, executing one million workflow actions daily.
  • 使用Angular/ c#为私人投资者构建了一个发行定制化结构化衍生产品的平台.
  • 使用c#优化工作流引擎,每天执行超过1亿个操作.
  • 使用Excel VBA自动化发布测试结果的评估过程.
Technologies: C#.NET, Angular, TypeScript, Windows PowerShell, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Web MVC, Oracle SQL, Windows Server, IIS, Back-end, APIs, REST APIs, WCF Web Services, Redmine, PL/SQL, PrimeNG, C#, Jenkins, Back-end Development, Full-stack, Test Automation, Automation, Troubleshooting, Root Cause Analysis, .NET, CI/CD Pipelines, XAML, API Development, API Integration, .. NET 4,数据库,Docker, Java, Java EE, SQLAlchemy, NPM, Oracle, ASP.NET

Quantitative Business Analyst

2019 - 2019
Devnet GmbH
  • 使用PL/SQL为UniCredit投资银行部门的交易和销售开发复杂的进度报告.
  • 基于交易和销售应用程序的新特性,优化了一个发布测试/回归测试.
  • Wrote SQL scripts, queries, and stored procedures to extract data.
  • Optimized database performance by tuning queries and indexes.
Technologies: C#.NET, C#, Altova XML, Oracle SQL, PL/SQL, Redmine, Windows PowerShell, Windows Server, Visual Studio, Jenkins, Data Visualization, Data Engineering, Automation, Test Automation, Batch, Commerce, NPM

Software Engineer

2016 - 2019
BMW Group via EVA Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH
  • 使用MATLAB和Python开发高压电池的动态仿真和寿命估计工具, 利用基于物理的模型进行最佳剖面估计,并使用Dymola构建全面的锂离子电池模型.
  • Automated battery simulation processes, 通过Python的多处理池增强可配置性和参数创建能力.
  • 通过使用VBA在Excel中自动导出和可视化数据,简化了数据管理, ensuring efficient and clear representation of battery analytics.
Technologies: Python, MATLAB, Back-end, Front-end, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Flask, REST, APIs, Git, SQL, Bitbucket, Engineering, Data Visualization, Data Engineering, CAD, 3D CAD, Scripting

Onemarkets Investment Platform by UniCredit
It is an investment platform for structured products. As a full-stack developer, 我与贸易和销售同事协调制定可扩展的解决方案,以支持业务增长. 我也会评估其他人的软件设计,确保我们的软件设计功能平衡, quality, and security requirements.

Web App for Soil Analysis
作为一名全栈开发人员,在这个web应用程序上进行土壤分析, 我负责使用Angular设计和开发前端和后端 .NET technologies, respectively. 该网络应用程序允许用户上传土壤样本,进行分析,并根据结果生成报告. 我还确保了应用程序的安全性、可扩展性和性能优化.

Asset Management: Legal Document Processing Revolution

A revolutionary solution that leverages Azure OpenAI Service, incorporating a chatbot with bulk processing capabilities. 这个人工智能驱动的系统可以自动从银行大量的法律文件中提取关键信息, 大大提高了税务责任识别过程的准确性和速度.
2013 - 2016

Master's Degree in Automotive Engineering

Technical University Braunschweig - Braunschweig, Germany

2009 - 2013

Bachelor's Degree in Automotive Engineering

Tongji University - Shanghai, China


REST APIs, Node.js, PrimeNG, React, SQLAlchemy, jQuery, API Development


Visual Studio, Redmine, MATLAB, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Azure OpenAI Service, ChatGPT, Git, Jenkins, NPM, Bitbucket, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft Power Apps, PyCharm, Altova XML, CAD, Apache Tomcat, IntelliJ IDEA, Microsoft Power BI, Presentation Foundation


Angular, Flask, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), .NET 4, .NET, Selenium, ASP.NET, .NET Core, Windows PowerShell, ASP.NET Core MVC, NestJS


Java, Python, SQL, HTML, JavaScript, C#, C#.NET, TypeScript, CSS, XAML, C++, Batch


Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Mapbox, MacOS, Windows, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Oracle Database, Oracle, Microsoft Power Automate, Windows Server, Docker, Java EE, Azure Functions, Kubernetes, Azure


Oracle SQL, PostgreSQL, PL/SQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server,数据库,Redis, Elasticsearch


REST, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Automation, Test Automation, Microservices, Microservices Architecture


WCF Web Services, Web Development, APIs, Back-end Development, Web Scraping, Scripting, Software Engineering, Back-end, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Azure AI Search, Data Structures, Algorithms, Financials, IIS, Software Design, Front-end, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Full-stack, Web MVC, Stock Market, Stock Market Techinical Analysis, Troubleshooting, CI/CD Pipelines, Dynamics CRM 365, Engineering, Data Visualization, Data Engineering, Stock Trading, Root Cause Analysis, Commerce, Architecture, API Integration, FastAPI, 3D CAD, Chatbots, OpenAI, Retrieval-augmented Generation (RAG), Mastercam

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